Reliably detecting irregularities in aircraft turbines

Even the slightest fault in aircraft engines could pose a safety risk. Until now, inspectors have relied solely on their well-trained eye to unmask defects on blade-integrated disks, known as blisks. In the future, they will ...

Study finds ultimate limits of spaceplates in optical systems

Engineers working to miniaturize optical systems for modern electronics have seen great success when it comes to the most familiar components, the lenses and optical sensors. It's been more challenging to reduce the size ...

New method could lead to more powerful quantum sensors

As quantum technology continues to come into its own, investment is happening on a global scale. Soon, we could see improvements in machine learning models, financial risk assessment, efficiency of chemical catalysts and ...

Exotic material shows promise as flexible, transparent electrode

( -- An international team of scientists with roots at SLAC and Stanford has shown that ultra-thin sheets of an exotic material remain transparent and highly conductive even after being deeply flexed 1,000 times ...

Fiber sensors may leave the jacket on

Optical fibers enable the internet, and they are practically everywhere: underground and beneath the oceans. Fibers can do more than just carry information: they are also fantastic sensors. Hair-thin optical fibers support ...

IceCube neutrino observatory nears completion

In December 2010, IceCube -- the world's first kilometer-scale neutrino observatory, which is located beneath the Antarctic ice -- will finally be completed after two decades of planning. In an article in the AIP's Review ...

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