Switching light with a silver atom

Researchers working under Juerg Leuthold, Professor of Photonics and Communications, have created the world's smallest integrated optical switch. Applying a small voltage causes an atom to relocate, turning the switch on ...

New optical transmitter enables better communication networks

All the world's data – pictures, video, sounds, and text – has to traverse complex networks of optical fibers that crisscross cities, regions, and countries. To better handle the glut of information, a research team from ...

A fish may hold the key to more efficient wireless networks

As wireless networks become more crowded with devices and more taxed by the demand for anytime, anywhere access, these networks are susceptible to radio frequency interference and jamming. It's a problem that potentially ...

NASA takes Lasercom a step forward

A NASA-developed laser communication (lasercom) system made headlines in 2013 when it demonstrated record-breaking data download and upload speeds to the moon. Now, a NASA optical physicist says he can match those speeds—plus ...

Researchers design material that more effectively slows light

Researchers at The University of Alabama designed and made a material that manipulates the speed of light in a new, more effective way than previous methods, according to findings recently published in Scientific Reports ...

Physicists develop key component for terahertz wireless

Terahertz radiation could one day provide the backbone for wireless systems that can deliver data up to one hundred times faster than today's cellular or Wi-Fi networks. But there remain many technical challenges to be solved ...

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