Team demos breakthrough in analog image processing

A research team of Vanderbilt engineers that includes a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has demonstrated a new ultrathin filter, based on metamaterials, that allows for analog optical image processing. Their work, ...

Divorce in a one-dimensional world

In everyday objects, there is no left without right or front without back. Just as inseparable seem to be the electron's electric charge and its "spin." But in a strictly one-dimensional quantum world, both quantum properties ...

Researchers create better light-trapping devices

Anyone who's ever played the drums, tuned a guitar, or even made a wine glass "sing" by circling a finger along its edge knows about resonance. Acoustic resonators, like the cavity of a drum or a half-full wine glass, naturally ...

Scientists proposed a novel configuration of nanoscopes

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University together with colleagues proposed using special diffraction gratings with gold plates instead of microlenses used in the classic configuration to obtain images in nanoscopes. Microlenses ...

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