Diamond mirrors for high-powered lasers

Just about every car, train and plane that's been built since 1970 has been manufactured using high-power lasers that shoot a continuous beam of light. These lasers are strong enough to cut steel, precise enough to perform ...

Geometry of intricately fabricated glass makes light trap itself

Laser light traveling through ornately microfabricated glass has been shown to interact with itself to form self-sustaining wave patterns called solitons. The intricate design fabricated in the glass is a type of "photonic ...

Graphene photodetector integrated into computer chip

The novel material graphene and its technological applications are studied at the Vienna University of Technology. Now scientists succeeded in combining graphene light detectors with semiconductor chips.

Researchers develop new lens manufacturing technique

Researchers from Washington State University and Ohio State University have developed a low-cost, easy way to make custom lenses that could help manufacturers avoid the expensive molds required for optical manufacturing.

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