Diamond mirrors for high-powered lasers

Just about every car, train and plane that's been built since 1970 has been manufactured using high-power lasers that shoot a continuous beam of light. These lasers are strong enough to cut steel, precise enough to perform ...

Shaping the future of light through reconfigurable metasurfaces

The technological advancement of optical lenses has long been a significant marker of human scientific achievement. Eyeglasses, telescopes, cameras, and microscopes have all literally and figuratively allowed us to see the ...

On-chip photodetection: Two-dimensional material heterojunctions

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) use photons as information carriers and are expected to solve the bottleneck problems of microelectronic chips in terms of speed, power consumption and integration density with their advantages ...

Researchers design holographic lenses based on plasma

Holograms are three-dimensional (3D) images produced by interfering beams of light that reflect physical objects or photographs. In recent years, they were introduced in a variety of settings, for instance to enhance employee ...

With a little help, new optical material assembles itself

A research team led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has demonstrated tiny concentric nanocircles that self-assemble into an optical material with precision and efficiency.

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