Team develops method for creating 3D photonic crystals

Dutch researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with ASML, TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) and TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) have developed ...

Nanowire lens can reconfigure its imaging properties

( -- By taking advantage of the unique optical properties of nanoscale materials, researchers have designed a lens made of nanowires that can reconfigure its imaging properties without any electronic or mechanical ...

Bio-inspired coating resists liquids

After a rain, the cupped leaf of a pitcher plant becomes a virtually frictionless surface. Sweet-smelling and elegant, the carnivore attracts ants, spiders, and even little frogs. One by one, they slide to their doom.

In Brief: Bifunctional plasmonic / magnetic nanoparticles

An amorphous-seed mediated strategy has been developed in the Center for Nanoscale Materials Nanophotonics Group at the Argonne National Laboratory for creating bifunctional nanoparticles composed of silver and iron oxide ...

Manipulating light at will

Electrical engineers at Duke University have developed a material that allows them to manipulate light in much the same way that electronics manipulate flowing electrons.

Chemists create molecular polyhedron

Chemists have created a molecular polyhedron, a ground-breaking assembly that has the potential to impact a range of industrial and consumer products, including magnetic and optical materials.

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