Trapping giant Rydberg atoms for faster quantum computers

In an achievement that could help enable fast quantum computers, University of Michigan physicists have built a better Rydberg atom trap. Rydberg atoms are highly excited, nearly-ionized giants that can be thousands of times ...

Super cool atom thermometer

As physicists strive to cool atoms down to ever more frigid temperatures, they face the daunting task of developing new, reliable ways of measuring these extreme lows. Now a team of physicists has devised a thermometer that ...

Quantum gas microscope offers glimpse of quirky ultracold atoms

( -- Physicists at Harvard University have created a quantum gas microscope that can be used to observe single atoms at temperatures so low the particles follow the rules of quantum mechanics, behaving in bizarre ...

Rice researchers to build light-based crystal simulator

A Rice University-led team of physicists at seven U.S. universities has won $5 million from the Department of Defense to build a simulator capable of tackling high-temperature superconductivity, one of the most vexing mysteries ...

Exerting better control over matter waves

( -- “The concept of matter waves is at the heart of quantum mechanics,” Oliver Morsch tells “At the beginning of the last century, scientists discovered that solid particles could exhibit properties ...

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