Controlling acoustic transport in hypersonic crystals

Center for Nanoscale Materials users from Toyota Research Institute of North America, working with CNM's Nanophotonics Group, have determined that bulk coherent acoustic vibrations are heavily damped by scattering from radially ...

Higgs excitations near absolute zero

( -- A collaboration of physicists from Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, LMU, Harvard and Caltech detect Higgs-type excitations in a low-dimensional system of ultracold atoms at the transition between different ...

Speed limit on the quantum highway

( -- Physicists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have measured the propagation velocity of quantum signals in a many-body system.

Graphene offers protection from intense laser pulses

Researchers from Singapore and the UK have jointly announced a new benchmark in broadband, non-linear optical-limiting behavior using single-sheet graphene dispersions in a variety of heavy-atom solvents and film matrices.

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