Quantum computing a step closer to reality

Physicists at the Australian National University (ANU) have brought quantum computing a step closer to reality by stopping light in a new experiment.

New optical chip lights up the race for quantum computer

The microprocessor inside a computer is a single multipurpose chip that has revolutionised people's life, allowing them to use one machine to surf the web, check emails and keep track of finances.

New optical materials break digital connectivity barriers

From computers, tablets, and smartphones to cars, homes, and public transportation, our world is more digitally connected every day. The technology required to support the exchange of massive quantities of data is critical. ...

A new approach to on-chip quantum computing

Commercial devices capable of encrypting information in unbreakable codes exist today, thanks to recent quantum optics advances, especially the generation of photon pairs—tiny entangled particles of light. Now, an international ...

Graphene photodetector integrated into computer chip

The novel material graphene and its technological applications are studied at the Vienna University of Technology. Now scientists succeeded in combining graphene light detectors with semiconductor chips.

A fluffy disk around a baby star

An international team of astronomers that are members of the Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru Telescope (SEEDS) Project has used Subaru Telescope's High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation ...

Pushing microscopy beyond standard limits

Engineers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have devised a method to convert a relatively inexpensive conventional microscope into a billion-pixel imaging system that significantly outperforms the best available ...

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