Silicon chips to enter world of high speed optical processing

( -- Physicists at the University of Sydney have brought silicon chips closer to performing all-optical computing and information processing that could overcome the speed limitations intrinsic to electronics, ...

'Metasurfaces' to usher in new optical technologies

( —New optical technologies using "metasurfaces" capable of the ultra-efficient control of light are nearing commercialization, with potential applications including advanced solar cells, computers, telecommunications, ...

Graphene could yield cheaper optical chips

Graphene—which consists of atom-thick sheets of carbon atoms arranged hexagonally—is the new wonder material: Flexible, lightweight and incredibly conductive electrically, it's also the strongest material known to man.

Scientists make quantum technology smaller

A way of shrinking the devices used in quantum sensing systems has been developed by researchers at the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing, which is led by the University of Birmingham.

Researchers glimpse the inside of a photonic crystal

(—While today's smart phones, tablets, and other small electronic devices rely on electrical data connections, in the future they may use optical connections in order to become even faster and smaller. Photonic ...

New device could bring optical information processing

( -- Researchers have created a new type of optical device small enough to fit millions on a computer chip that could lead to faster, more powerful information processing and supercomputers.

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