Related topics: nasa · mars · rover

CEOs try to predict who'll win tomorrow's tech race

It seems every major tech giant is celebrating a landmark birthday these days. This year, it's been Microsoft (35), Cisco Systems (25) and Yahoo (15). Next year, IBM turns a century old, and Apple hits 35.

Image: Mars Rover Sees Distant Crater Rims on Horizon

( -- NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has captured a new view of the rim of Endeavour crater, the rover's destination in a multi-year traverse along the sandy Martian landscape.

Women, minorities face special hurdles in job market

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that white men receive significantly more tips about job opportunities than women and racial minorities - particularly among people in upper management positions - highlighting ...

Meteorite Found on Mars Yields Clues About Planet's Past

( -- NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity is investigating a metallic meteorite the size of a large watermelon that is providing researchers more details about the Red Planet's environmental history.

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