Disadvantaged workers face more challenges in retirement, too

American workers with limited job opportunities during their working years face obstacles in retirement too, perpetuating inequities among demographic groups. That's according to research conducted by Emma Aguila, a USC Price ...

Young men feel the most threatened by advances in women's rights

It is not the older generation but young men who have the most difficulty in accepting advances in women's rights. This has been shown by a large study from the University of Gothenburg on gender equality and sexism in Europe.

Is focused attention always best? New study reveals when it's not

In the early 1980s, the dental care company Colgate decided to pursue the flourishing readymade meals market and debut its own line of frozen entrees. Yet rather than broaden Colgate's market share, the strategy backfired ...

How might Big Tech affect financial inclusion and stability?

New technologies and widespread internet and smart phone adoption have led to an increased availability of digital financial services, many of which are offered by non-traditional financial-service providers including so-called ...

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