Foreign graduate students and postdocs consider leaving the US

On March 6, President Donald Trump signed a second executive order to suspend immigration from six predominately Muslim countries, this time excluding Iraq from the list. According to an article in Chemical & Engineering ...

New theory on entrepreneurial opportunities offered

In entrepreneurship research, the idea that entrepreneurial opportunities are waiting to be discovered has been challenged by researchers who believe that they are instead created by the entrepreneurs.

Rover Opportunity wrapping up study of Martian valley

"Marathon Valley," slicing through a large crater's rim on Mars, has provided fruitful research targets for NASA's Opportunity rover since July 2015, but the rover may soon move on.

Image: Opportunity spots Knudsen Ridge dust devil

From its perch high on a ridge, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity recorded this image of a Martian dust devil twisting through the valley below. The view looks back at the rover's tracks leading up the north-facing ...

Rover takes on steepest slope ever tried on Mars

NASA's long-lived Mars rover Opportunity is driving to an alternative hillside target after a climb on the steepest slope ever tackled by any Mars rover. Opportunity could not quite get within reach of a target researchers ...

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