Polarization over energy and climate in Canada

Positive Energy today released new survey results examining Canadians' views on the role of oil and gas in Canada's current and future economy, and the respective roles of federal and provincial governments in the country's ...

America's 180 on athlete activism

For 50 dormant years—roughly, the period between Muhammad Ali's heyday and the Miami Heat donning hoodies after Trayvon Martin's murder—athletes, as a general rule, steered clear of politics.

US image abroad: It's the message not the messenger

Today's political climate in the U.S. is often peppered with animosity from the U.S. president towards other countries but how has the U.S. image fared? A Dartmouth study finds that the U.S. image abroad appears to be influenced ...

Some biologists shun new media

An online survey of neuroscientists in Germany and the United States found that, although in both countries researchers believe "new media" such as blogs and online social networks are important in influencing public opinion ...

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