Nokia to launch Microsoft platform phones in 2011

Finnish handset maker Nokia Corp. plans to introduce its first mobile phones using the Microsoft Windows operating system this year, the company's chief executive said Tuesday.

Phone rivalry drives down RIM earnings

(AP) -- BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd.'s quarterly results on Thursday provided fresh evidence of the company's struggles to come up with a device to compete with the iPhone and smartphones running Google's Android ...

Tablet war pushes PC makers to focus on R&D

The tablet war is pushing personal computer makers to focus more on research and development and Web-based ecosystems to enable their products to stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

RIM offering PlayBook outside North America

Blackberry maker Research In Motion announced plans Friday to begin selling its new touchscreen tablet computer, the PlayBook, outside of North America.

RIM recalling 1,000 PlayBook tablets

Blackberry maker Research In Motion (RIM) said Monday it is recalling around 1,000 PlayBook tablet computers because of an operating system issue.

Android tops BlackBerry in US: comScore

Google's Android has surged past Blackberry maker Research in Motion to become the leading smartphone platform in the United States, market tracking firm comScore said Monday.

Doing good with operations research

For Northwestern University's Karen Smilowitz, the term "industrial engineering" is a bit of a misnomer. It evokes the image of the engineer in a factory with a stopwatch in hand, making sure production is as efficient as ...

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