Artificial intelligence learns to predict solar flux

Researchers from the Department of Computer Systems Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde (UK), used a deep learning approach that had previously shown promising ...

Opportunity hunkers down during dust storm (Update)

NASA engineers received a transmission from Opportunity on Sunday morning—a positive sign despite the worsening dust storm. Data from the transmission let engineers know the rover still has enough battery charge to communicate ...

LISA Pathfinder's pioneering mission continues

On 7 December, LISA Pathfinder started the extended phase of its mission, an additional six months during which scientists and engineers will push the experiment to its limits in preparation for ESA's future space observatory ...

Image: ExoMars mission control team

This week, the ExoMars mission control team at ESA's centre in Darmstadt, Germany, is training to prepare for next month's arrival at the Red Planet.

Image: Cold gas in deep space

This image shows the LISA Pathfinder launch composite (spacecraft plus propulsion module) at the IABG test centre in Ottobrunn, near Munich, Germany, on 31 August 2015, before it was shipped to the launch site.

Jason-3 begins mapping oceans, sees ongoing El Nino

Just over a month after its launch, Jason-3 has produced its first complete science map of global sea surface height, capturing the current signal of the 2015-16 El Niño in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

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