Apple brings iPad features to the Mac

Apple released a preview version of its new Macintosh operating system on Thursday, bringing some features of the iPad to the personal computer.

Microsoft tweaks Windows 8, blamed for PC slump

(AP)—Microsoft is trying to reverse slumping PC sales and quiet growing criticism of its flagship operating system with the release of a revised version of Windows 8.

Google notebooks challenge Microsoft

Notebook computers powered by Google software are heading to market in a direct assault on the Windows operating system at the heart of Microsoft's technology empire.

Palm's webOS hasn't gotten the attention it deserves

Lost in the recent deluge of smart-phone news -- Apple's iPhone store hitting 100,000 applications, and the launches of the new Droid phone and the BlackBerry Storm, among other things -- have been the efforts of longtime ...

No catastrophes please, it's software modelling

( -- European researchers have created a development platform that will enable applications to tackle the enormous and increasing complexity of modern computer science. It promises better quality at a lower price.

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