Tablet war pushes PC makers to focus on R&D

The tablet war is pushing personal computer makers to focus more on research and development and Web-based ecosystems to enable their products to stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

Google notebooks challenge Microsoft

Notebook computers powered by Google software are heading to market in a direct assault on the Windows operating system at the heart of Microsoft's technology empire.

The automotive internet, from vision to reality

( -- European researchers developed a vision for a new, cooperative traffic system based on advanced communication hardware and software, a kind of automotive internet; they also created all the necessary enabling ...

No catastrophes please, it's software modelling

( -- European researchers have created a development platform that will enable applications to tackle the enormous and increasing complexity of modern computer science. It promises better quality at a lower price.

Should I buy a PC or Mac?

Q. Our 6-year-old PC computer is dying a slow death and we are considering moving to a new iMac but have a few concerns. First, of all, we have several Word documents on our disk drive now that we want to keep and add to ...

Microsoft's cloud computing system is growing up

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. leads its industry in part because a vast army of outside computer programmers design software that only runs on its Windows operating system. Now, the company is fighting to keep those programmers ...

Palm's webOS hasn't gotten the attention it deserves

Lost in the recent deluge of smart-phone news -- Apple's iPhone store hitting 100,000 applications, and the launches of the new Droid phone and the BlackBerry Storm, among other things -- have been the efforts of longtime ...

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