How group hunting works in the open ocean

A team of behavioral ecologists from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin) is investigating how animals hunt in groups. Animals in water ...

Whale shark observed bottom-feeding for first time

A shark specialist and a life scientist are reporting on video evidence of a whale shark observed bottom-feeding for the first time. Darren Whitehead, Investigación Tiburones México and Joel Gayford, a life scientist at ...

Jaw shapes of 90 shark species show evolution driven by habitat

An international research team led by Faviel A. López-Romero from the Department of Paleontology at the University of Vienna investigated how the jaw shape of sharks has changed over the course of evolution. They conclude ...

Coastal species persist on high seas on floating plastic debris

The high seas have been colonized by a surprising number of coastal marine invertebrate species, which can now survive and reproduce in the open ocean, contributing strongly to the floating community composition. This finding ...

Arctic's peak ice cover has shrunk by an area larger than Egypt

Sea ice covered 5.64 million square miles of the Arctic Ocean at the ice's peak extent this year in early March. That's almost 400,000 square miles less than the median coverage level at other March peaks between 1981 and ...

A 5,000-mile seaweed belt is headed toward Florida

A 5,000-mile seaweed belt lurking in the Atlantic Ocean is expected in the next few months to wash onto beaches in the Caribbean Sea, South Florida, and the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.

Life in the smoke of underwater volcanoes

Deep down in the ocean at tectonic plate boundaries, hot fluids rise from hydrothermal vents. The fluids are devoid of oxygen and contain large amounts of metals such as iron, manganese or copper. Some may also transport ...

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