'Culture of secrecy' thwarting data sharing in Africa

The absence of a culture for sharing scientific data in many African countries is costing the continent numerous opportunities for accelerating its development, scientists warn.

60 years of Antarctic ice sheet data released

In a significant milestone for Antarctic research, detailed and extensive information on ice thickness and bed topography is now available for the first time in a centralized and standardized format.

Supersized fruit eater database on climate change frontline

To conserve precious and fragile biodiversity hotspots, a crucial step is knowing how the fruit eaters are doing. To assist in that, scientists and students at Michigan State University (MSU) have supersized a database to ...

'Berlin Statement' to protect polar regions from pollutants

The polar regions are exposed to an increasing load of pollutants. Under the leadership of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon and the Umweltbundesamt (UBA), experts from the European Commission, the Stockholm Convention, the Arctic ...

Making more sustainable decisions based on data

Ecosystems deliver many benefits to humans, such as providing water, fruits and vegetables, as well as recreation opportunities. An international research team conducted a pilot study in Eritrea in order to demonstrate that ...

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