How to measure the quality of life in smart cities?

From pollution levels and the number of traffic accidents to safer public spaces and more efficient heating in buildings—to what extent can the smartness of a city be quantified? And is it possible to measure the quality ...

Apple announces advancements to ResearchKit

Apple today announced advancements to the open source ResearchKit framework that bring genetic data and a series of medical tests typically conducted in an exam room to iPhone apps. Medical researchers are adopting these ...

Changing the biological data visualization world

Scientists at TGAC, alongside European partners, have created a cutting-edge, open source community for the lifesciences. BioJavaScript (BioJS) is a free, accessible software library that develops visualization tools for ...

Strengthening governance through open data

A research network is exploring how open data can help address specific challenges and bring about positive change in developing countries.

Big data paves the way for big building and engineering projects

A new UK start-up company is about to revolutionize the way in which civil engineering and construction companies choose where to build, by telling them what's under the ground before they start digging. The information could ...

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