The future will be built on open data – here's why

Data has the power to revolutionise and disrupt the way societies are governed. None more so than open data, which is free to access, free to use and can be shared by anyone. It's non-personal and can be used to identify ...

Information, writ widely

Imagine an online catalog for data from researchers worldwide, a resource allowing scholars to not only read journal articles, but view the complete data sets behind the studies, a way for them to draw from, reproduce, cite, ...

Researchers building high-speed data 'freeway system'

For the last three years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has made a series of competitive grants to over 100 U.S. universities to aggressively upgrade their campus network capacity for greatly enhanced science data ...

New gold standard established for open and reproducible research

A group of Cambridge computer scientists have set a new gold standard for openness and reproducibility in research by sharing the more than 200GB of data and 20,000 lines of code behind their latest results - an unprecedented ...

CERN makes public first data of LHC experiments

CERN today launched its Open Data Portal where data from real collision events, produced by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will for the first time be made openly available to all. It is expected that these ...

Worldwide ship traffic up 300 percent since 1992

Maritime traffic on the world's oceans has increased four-fold over the past 20 years, likely causing more water, air and noise pollution on the open seas, according to a new study quantifying global ship traffic.

Open data is open for business

Last month, Web designer Sean Wittmeyer and colleague Wojciech Magda walked away with a $25,000 prize from the state of Colorado for designing an online tool to help businesses decide where to locate in the state.

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