Open cluster ASCC 123 investigated in detail

Using the Galileo National Telescope, astronomers have conducted a high-resolution spectroscopic study of the open cluster ASCC 123 as part of the Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) project. Results of the new research, ...

New open cluster discovered using Gaia

Using data from ESA's Gaia satellite, German astronomers have detected a new open cluster in the Milky Way galaxy. The newly found cluster, designated Gaia 8, consists of about 100 stars, most likely including the Beta Lyrae ...

Astronomers investigate open cluster NGC 6530

Italian astronomers have investigated the young open cluster NGC 6530 by conducting a statistical study of its global properties. The research, which provides important insights on the cluster membership, was presented in ...

Three new open clusters discovered in the Milky Way

Using data from ESA's Gaia satellite, Brazilian astronomers have detected three new open clusters in the Milky Way. The clusters, designated UFMG 1, UFMG 2 and UFMG 3, were found in the Sagittarius arm of the galaxy. The ...

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