Related topics: plos one · biomed central

The end of web neutrality, the end of the Internet?

A December 2017 decision by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the American agency responsible for regulating the US telecom sector (equivalent of the French ARCEP and the European BEREC), has changed the status ...

Why the Internet hasn't killed off books

We stand amazed by the vitality of printed books, a more than 500-year-old technique, both on and offline. We have observed over the years all of the dialogue which books have created around themselves, through 150 interviews ...

Popular science helps to discover the abundance of this jellyfish

When the Rhizostoma luteum jellyfish was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, only nine specimens were identified. For years, it was so inconspicuous that in the 20th century, ...

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