Online finances in a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought tragedy, social and economic decline. However, humanity is finding ways to adapt to the so-called "new normal" in terms of health care, society, business, and finance. Writing in the International ...

7 ways to reduce the learning loss caused by the pandemic

School closures and the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in learning loss in developed and developing countries. Learning loss is generally defined as any specific or general loss of knowledge ...

Why companies invest in local social media influencers

Researchers from Emory University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that investigates whether geographical distance still matters when word of mouth is disseminated online.

Forget cash! Credit is key to the survival of busking

Our changing relationship with cash and dramatically reduced foot traffic in CBDs around the globe has prompted street performers to find different ways to generate income and sustain their careers.

Citizens versus the internet

The Internet has revolutionized our lives—whether in terms of working, finding information or entertainment, connecting with others, or shopping. The online world has made many things easier and opened up previously unimaginable ...

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