Real-time travel updates direct to your smartphone

A bluetooth application that gives tourists real-time city information on their smartphones has been developed through a pan-European initiative. An updated iPhone app was released in time for the summer, providing visitors ...

Effective privacy protection in social networks

Researchers are working on new methods to help them gain a better understanding of the usage habits of participants in social networks. The results will be incorporated in the development of userfriendly tools for privacy ...

Does mixing eBay and Facebook reduce bidding prices?

In a competitive context, consumers are willing to pay significantly more to win when other bidders are unknown, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Word choices on political issues reveal ways of thinking

(—Communication and information science researches have developed a free online tool that offers a new way of looking at the news. "Reflext" provides a glimpse into how political events are being covered and discussed.

Gordon supercomputer used in 61-million-person Facebook experiment

(—A recently published study led by the University of California, San Diego in collaboration with Facebook and done in part using large-scale simulations on the San Diego Supercomputer Center's (SDSC) data-intensive ...

Social networks boosts election turnout

About one third of a million more people showed up at the ballot box in the United States in 2010 because of a single Facebook message on Election Day, estimates a new study led by the University of California, San Diego.

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