Online game addiction law divides SKorea

A law under consideration in South Korea's parliament has sparked vociferous debate by grouping popular online games such as "StarCraft" with gambling, drugs and alcohol as an anti-social addiction the government should do ...

Report: NSA spying on virtual worlds, online games (Update)

American and British intelligence operations have been spying on gamers across the world, media outlets reported, saying that the world's most powerful espionage agencies sent undercover agents into virtual universes to monitor ...

New consoles, online games to keep market soaring to 2017

The global video gaming market is set to grow 11.1 percent a year until 2017, boosted by a new generation of consoles and the increasing popularity of online games, according to IDATE digital research and consultancy firm.

Web portal Sohu says profit down 20 percent Inc., operator of a popular Chinese Web portal, said Monday its quarterly profit fell 20 percent due to higher expenses but revenues rose.

How you name it matters: 'Gambling' vs. 'gaming'

( —Is online betting fun entertainment or a seedy fraud? Your opinion likely depends on whether you label it "gambling" or "gaming," reports a new Cornell study that shows how industry labels help shape consumer ...

Gibraltar betting on US online gaming

The tiny British territory of Gibraltar is bidding to snap up a giant slice of the nascent US online gaming market as states gradually begin to relax a ban on Internet betting.

Bally to buy SHFL Entertainment for $1.31B

Bally Technologies Inc. said Tuesday that it has agreed to buy fellow gambling equipment maker SHFL entertainment Inc. for about $1.31 billion in cash.

Children in poor countries 'abused live on web'

The sexual abuse of children in developing countries is increasingly being live-streamed on Internet services such as Skype, Britain's online child protection agency warned on Tuesday.

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