On-demand courses increase revenue but lower engagement

The online education industry has grown exponentially over the last decade, fueled in part by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new study, researchers examined whether online courses provided by online educational platforms should ...

Growth mindset teaching helps students make the grade

It's been more than 30 years since psychologist Carol Dweck introduced "growth mindset"—the psychological and motivational effects of believing that a person's ability in any domain is not fixed but can develop through ...

How three hours could add up to a better retirement

Older workers who completed an evidence-based retirement planning course reduced their expected retirement age by an average of just over a year, felt more confident in making financial decisions, and felt better prepared ...

Generative AI can accelerate study time, research shows

Time plays a crucial role in higher education learning and influences learning progress and the achievement of academic goals. Shortening learning time through AI-supported, personalized approaches can help to reduce drop-out ...

What is the 'sunk cost fallacy'? Is it ever a good thing?

Have you ever encountered a subpar hotel breakfast while on holiday? You don't really like the food choices on offer, but since you already paid for the meal as part of your booking, you force yourself to eat something anyway ...

AI software can provide 'roadmap' for biological discoveries

Predicting a protein's location within a cell can help researchers unlock a plethora of biological information that's critical for developing future scientific discoveries related to drug development and treating diseases ...

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