Cryptography without using secret keys

Most security applications, for instance, access to buildings or digital signatures, use cryptographic keys that must at all costs be kept secret. That also is the weak link: Who will guarantee that the key doesn't get stolen ...

As Bitcoin virtual currency soars, bubble fears do too

Some call it the most famous pizza purchase in history: In May 2010, a programmer called Laszlo asked an online forum if anyone would buy him a couple of pies in exchange for 10,000 Bitcoins, an experimental online currency ...

US curbs on online poker compared to Prohibition

A former US senator who now represents poker players compared US efforts to curb online gambling to Prohibition on Tuesday as he argued for legislation that would allow Internet gaming.

The use of online banking by people over 60

Experts from the Economics and Business Institute at the University of Seville have just published a study of the use of online banking by the over-60s, which shows that the digital divide of these users, far from being linked ...

India slowly gets to grips with ecommerce

Vipul Modi is a busy high court lawyer in India's financial capital Mumbai. Like many people, he uses the Internet to buy rail and airline tickets as well as pay his utility bills.

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