Related topics: athletes ยท sports

NIST goes the distance for the Olympics

( -- In yet another Olympian feat of measurement, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology recently calibrated a tape that will be used to measure out the distance of this summer's Olympic ...

She won a gold medal because she's pretty

An examination of past Olympic Games television coverage shows notable differences in the way sports commentators talk about athletes, depending upon the athletes' races, gender and nationalities.

Facebook launches page for all things Olympics

(AP) — Facebook on Monday launched an official London Olympics page for fans to connect with their favorite athletes and teams, a move it says can help make this summer's games the first "truly social" one.

US senator slams White House over cyber leaks

US Senator John McCain on Saturday accused President Barack Obama's administration of leaking details of a reported cyber attack on Iran and other secret operations to bolster the president's image in an election year.

Obama stepped up cyberattacks on Iran: report

US President Barack Obama accelerated cyberattacks on Iran's nuclear program and expanded the assault even after the Stuxnet virus accidentally escaped in 2010, the New York Times reported Friday.

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