Related topics: athletes · sports

New research shows just how well the 2012 Games were run

Unique research conducted by a University of Huddersfield professor confirms just how successfully the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics were designed, organised and delivered. His findings will reveal to planners of the 2016 ...

3 Questions: Removing barriers to the Web

During the opening ceremonies of this summer's Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, sitting ...

Maths to turn people's media into national news

Technology will put the power to make news into the hands of ordinary people and revolutionise the way the vast reservoir of the public's digital content is handled thanks to new research, funded by the Engineering and Physical ...

Superconducting magnet researchers develop new HTS technology

(—World records have been broken this year not only in sports by Olympic athletes in London, but also in high temperature superconducting magnet technology by the Superconducting Magnet Division (SMD) staff at ...

Brazil's vibrant high-tech industry urged to go global

Boosted by strong government incentives, Brazil's high-tech industry is showing solid domestic growth but experts say the country's startup entrepreneurs must go global and shun copycat solutions.

Prototype binoculars from NHK show-stop CEATEC crowd

(—NHK is drawing interest at this week's CEATEC in Japan with its prototype 3-D binoculars. They take advantage of something called "8K" resolution so that the user can now zoom into an image without sacrificing ...

Internet has no 'off switch', says web inventor

Tim Berners-Lee, the British inventor of the World Wide Web, on Wednesday warned governments that attempts to block the Internet were doomed to failure due to its scattered structure.

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