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Image: Soyuz rocket ready to launch new station crew

The Soyuz TMA-11M rocket, adorned with the logo of the Sochi Olympic Organizing Committee and other related artwork, is seen in this long exposure photograph, as the service structure arms are raised into position at the ...

Trio takes Soyuz for spin around ISS

An international trio of astronauts on Thursday took a Soyuz space capsule on a rare trip around the International Space Station in preparation for the arrival of a new crew next week.

Comcast to add 35 live TV channels to mobile app

Comcast says it is updating its mobile viewing app, Xfinity TV Go, to allow subscribers to watch popular channels such as CNN, Fox News, Disney Channel, CNBC, ESPN and FX on the go.

Space: the Olympic flame's final frontier

When Russia first floated the idea of sending the Olympic flame to the International Space Station (ISS) ahead of next year's Winter Games in Sochi, most people treated it as a joke.

Japan seeks ultrafast wireless technology before 2020

Japan is aiming to develop a super-fast wireless system by the 2020 Tokyo Games that would allow a smartphone user to download three high-definition movies in one second, an official said Friday.

Children in poor countries 'abused live on web'

The sexual abuse of children in developing countries is increasingly being live-streamed on Internet services such as Skype, Britain's online child protection agency warned on Tuesday.

Russian astronauts to take Olympic torch on space walk

Russian astronauts will take an unlit Olympic torch on a space walk ahead of the country's hosting of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the deputy head of the Russian space agency said on Sunday.

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