How sport can help young people become better citizens

Most Australians have followed health advice to wear face masks and have COVID-19 vaccinations. Actions like these that benefit others are known in psychology as prosocial behaviors. In a COVID context, prosocial behaviors ...

EXPLAINER: Olympics show complexity of sustainability claims

To stage the Winter Games in the Chinese capital, organizers embarked on a massive public works campaign, constructing new venues and piping millions of gallons of water up into the arid surrounding mountains to create fake ...

Striving for sustainability in sport

It is a sign of the times that last week's declaration by the Williams Formula One team of its aim to become a climate-positive organisation by 2030, was greeted in muted terms.

Cybersecurity firm: US Senate in Russian hackers' crosshairs

The same Russian government-aligned hackers who penetrated the Democratic Party have spent the past few months laying the groundwork for an espionage campaign against the U.S. Senate, a cybersecurity firm said Friday.

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