Healthier and more sustainable olive oil

A team of researchers that includes UPM have confirmed that the benefits of virgin olive oil are partly due to minority compounds that can be increased with sustainable irrigation strategies.

How olive oil is processed

The olive tree is native to the Mediterranean basin. Archeological evidence shows that olive oil was produced as early as 4000 BC. Besides food, olive oil was used historically for medicine, lamp fuel, soap, and skin care.

Olive tree disease in Italy alarms EU

Brussels called for "complete vigilance" Monday to stop the spread of a strain of bacteria killing olive trees in southern Italy, the European Union's second biggest producer of olive oil.

Converting olive mash into cash

An experimental system to create heat and power with waste from olive oil processing is up-and-running in Spain. Carina Lagergren, a researcher from Sweden's KTH Royal Institute of Technology, says the system shows a promising ...

Plant compounds studied for food safety chores

Though the price makes you wince, you might just buy that bottle of your favorite olive oil anyway. Perhaps it's exactly what you want for the salad dressing you're making tonight and for your special stir-fry on the weekend.

Avocado oil: The 'olive oil of the Americas'?

Atmospheric oxygen facilitated the evolution and complexity of terrestrial organisms, including human beings, because it allowed nutrients to be used more efficiently by those organisms, which in turn were able to generate ...

Imported olive oil quality unreliable, study finds

( -- Nearly three-quarters of the samples of top-selling imported olive oil brands failed international extra virgin standards, according to a new report by researchers at the University of California, Davis, ...

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