Study reveals how smell receptors work

All senses must reckon with the richness of the world, but nothing matches the challenge faced by the olfactory system that underlies our sense of smell. We need only three receptors in our eyes to sense all the colors of ...

Fast changing smells can teach mice about space

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and UCL (University College London) have found that mice can sense extremely fast and subtle changes in the structure of odors and use this to guide their behavior. The findings, ...

Why your cat does these 6 things, according to science

Having a cat (or several) can add companionship and warmth to any household. As you share each other's space, however, you may have noticed a few quirks that your cat exhibits, varying from adorable to plainly bizarre.

Lemurs can sniff out hidden fruit from afar

Lemurs can use their sense of smell to locate fruit hidden more than 50 feet away in the forest—but only when the wind blows the fruit's aroma toward them, according to a study published in the American Journal of Physical ...

What evolution reveals about the function of bitter receptors

To evaluate the chemical composition of food from a physiological point of view, it is important to know the functions of the receptors that interact with food ingredients. These include receptors for bitter compounds, which ...

Comparing canine brains using 3-D-endocast modelling

Based on digital endocranial cast models, the canine brain does not increase proportionally with body size. Researchers at ELTE Eötvös Loránd and Kaposvár University in Hungary reconstructed the surface morphology of ...

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