The unique challenges of conserving forest giants

The redwood and sequoia trees in California, the baobab trees in Madagascar, and the rose gum Eucalyptus trees in northeastern Australia are only a few of the spectacular large, old trees still growing today. Protecting these ...

Cockatoos find food in rehabilitated forest

Murdoch University researchers have found that Western Australia's iconic black cockatoos have been drawn to a new food source – rehabilitated mining pits.

Huge owls need huge trees

A study spearheaded by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Minnesota has shown that the world's largest owl—and one of the rarest—is also a key indicator of the health of some of the last great primary ...

Study: Large, old trees in decline

(—The largest living organisms on the planet, the big, old trees that harbour and sustain countless birds and other wildlife, are dying. A report by three of the world's leading ecologists in today's issue of the ...

Promising new research in the fight against ash dieback

Ash trees have been suffering from the Chalara fraxinea fungus (otherwise known as ash dieback) across Europe: not only in mature forest areas, but also in urban areas and nurseries. It was discovered in February of this ...

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