Transplanted coral growing fast in lagoon off Okinawa coast

Baby coral transplanted in the Sekisei coral-reef lagoon in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture under a coral-reef regeneration program are growing steadily, according to the Environment Ministry and the Tokyo University of Marine ...

Typhoon knocks out power in southern Japan

One person was reportedly killed and hundreds of thousands were without electricity in southern Japan on Wednesday as a typhoon appproached packing powerful winds and lashing rain.

ESA image: The eye of super typhoon Neoguri

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst is sharing his incredible views from 400 km above on the International Space Station. In the last week the six astronauts witnessed Hurricane Arthur terrorise the US east coast, beautiful auroras ...

Combating obesity with new Okinawan rice

In recent years, Okinawa has recorded the dubious distinction of having the highest obesity rate in Japan. Preventing obesity-related diseases is an urgent issue. Professor Hidetoshi Saze of the OIST Plant Epigenetics Unit ...

Looking for Nirai Kanai

In 2013, a new species of goby was discovered in a stream on the main island of Okinawa. The species was named Stiphodon niraikanaiensis, which comes from a traditional word on Okinawa and Amami areas, "Nirai Kanai." Nirai ...

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