Artificial legs boost limbless loggerhead turtle

A sea turtle that lost her front legs to a shark attack was bidding to match "Blade Runner" Oscar Pistorius on Tuesday, as she donned the latest in artificial flipper technology in Japan.

Genome study opens pathway toward sustainable edible seaweed

Since the 1980s, in seaweed farms dotted along the coastline of the subtropical islands of Okinawa, farmers have cultivated the edible brown alga Okinawa mozuku (Cladosiphon okamuranus). Popular in Japanese cuisine, this ...

Acoustic monitoring provides holistic picture of biodiversity

Ecologists are using a network of "outdoor recording studios" to better monitor the subtropical Japanese island of Okinawa. Now a pilot study, in which more than 1,100 hours of birdsong were analyzed, is available in the ...

Powerful typhoon churns towards Japan

Powerful Typhoon Vongfong churned towards Japan on Saturday, injuring at least a dozen people as it pounded the southern Okinawan islands with ferocious winds and driving rain.

Fukushima 'caused mutant butterflies'

Genetic mutations have been found in three generations of butterflies from near Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, scientists said Tuesday, raising fears radiation could affect other species.

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