Oil sands study shows negative impact on lake systems

(Phys.org)—Fifty years of Athabasca oil sands development has left a legacy of contaminants in lake ecosystems and that contamination reaches further from the development areas than previously recognized, according to new ...

Caution needed with new greenhouse gas emission standards

Policy makers need to be cautious in setting new 'low-carbon' standards for greenhouse gas emissions for oil sands-derived fuels as well as fuels from conventional crude oils University of Calgary and University of Toronto ...

Oil spill causes massive harm to microscopic creatures

(Phys.org) -- Oiled seabirds and turtles may have been the dominant images of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but new research indicates there was also massive harm to microscopic creatures in coastal sands, lasting months ...

US begins review of new Keystone pipeline route

The US State Department on Friday launched an environmental review of a new route proposed for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline that would transport oil from Canada's tar sands.

Oil sands pollution comparable to a large power plant

It takes a lot of energy to extract heavy, viscous and valuable bitumen from Canada's oil sands and refine it into crude oil. Companies mine some of the sands with multi-story excavators, separate out the bitumen, and process ...

Canada threatens trade war with EU over oil sands

Canada has threatened to lodge a World Trade Organization complaint against the European Union if the bloc labels oil from Alberta's tar sands as highly polluting, documents published Monday show.

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