Related topics: oil

Fair burden-sharing for global climate protection

( -- Discussions on a global climate agreement always centre on the transfer of money to developing and emerging countries. Scientists from ETH Zurich have now examined what fair transfer payments might look like ...

Recovering water from tailings ponds

( -- As Alberta faces increasing pressure to make the oil industry more sustainable, one University of Alberta researcher may have found a natural solution to a problem that has been plaguing oil companies for years.

Supercharged safflower

This scientific achievement has produced safflower seed oil that contains more than 90 per cent of this valuable fatty acid, the highest level of purity of an individual fatty acid currently available in any plant oil.

Official: Iran oil industry safe after cyberattack

(AP) -- An Iranian official says the country's oil industry is working well despite an attack from hackers and a computer virus that targeted the sector's computer systems.

As air pollution from fracking rises, EPA to set rules

The rush to capture natural gas from hydraulic fracturing has led to giant compressor stations alongside backyard swing sets, drilling rigs in sight of front porches, and huge flares at gas wells alongside country roads.

Researchers call for a new direction in oil spill research

Inadequate knowledge about the effects of deepwater oil well blowouts such as the Deepwater Horizon event of 2010 threatens scientists' ability to help manage and assess comparable events in future, according to an article ...

Canada cuts CO2 emissions, but misses target

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions fell steadily from a peak in 2007 to 692 megatons in 2010, but remain far above its original target, according to government data released Wednesday.

Obama calls for investment in clean energy

US President Barack Obama called on Congress Saturday to invest more money in clean energy technologies and end multi-billion-dollar subsidies given each year to oil companies.

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