Related topics: oil

Cleaning up ship emissions with a steel sponge

The world shipbuilding industry is facing drastically stricter requirements for emissions starting this year, and by 2020 emissions will need to be cut even more. Currently, as many as 60 per cent of the world's ports have ...

Supercomputers a hidden power center of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is famed for spawning the desktop, mobile and cloud computing revolutions. What is less well known is that it's one of the nerve centers for building the world's fastest number-crunchers.

The downside of biodiesel fuel

The oil industry believes biodiesel is not to blame for problems that Norwegian car owners are experiencing. But the nature of the fuel means that it has to be handled differently than regular petroleum-based diesel, a Norwegian ...

Oklahoma geology group links earthquakes to oil waste wells

The Oklahoma Geological Survey said Tuesday it is "very likely" that most of the state's recent earthquakes were triggered by the subsurface injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas drilling operations.

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