Oil extraction likely triggered mid-century earthquakes in L.A.

World War II-era oil pumping under Los Angeles likely triggered a rash of mid-sized earthquakes in the 1930s and 1940s, potentially leading seismologists to overestimate the earthquake potential in the region, according to ...

The immediate aftermath of an oil spill

The fate of oil during the first day after an accidental oil spill is still poorly understood, with researchers often arriving on the scene only after several days. New findings from a field experiment carried out in the ...

China launches offshore safety checks

China has launched safety inspections of all its offshore petroleum exploration and production bases, following an oil spill in the nation's northern Bohai Bay, the government said Sunday.

Kazakhstan sounds alarm over dying Caspian seals

The Kazakhstan government and environmentalists Tuesday sounded the alarm over the declining numbers of endangered Caspian seals after 35 animals were found dead over the weekend.

Brazil's Petrobras unit reports oil leak

Transpetro, a subsidiary of Brazil's state-run energy giant Petrobras, said Thursday it had detected an oil leak off the coast of Rio Grande do Sul state but did not know how much had spilled.

Los Angeles weighs phasing out oil and gas drilling

The University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles has a lot in common with urban areas across the U.S.: A dense population with lots of businesses and housing. A cluster of car dealerships. A row of restaurants. Schools and ...

Optimize carbon dioxide sequestration, enhance oil recovery

(Phys.org) —Los Alamos researchers and collaborators from the University of Utah have created a generic integrated framework simulation to optimize carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration and enhance oil recovery (CO2-EOR) based ...

New steel to double service life of oil-field pipelines

The peculiarities of oil development technology in Russian oil fields have created demand for a new steel grade. Existing oil field pipes operate in conditions of constant contact with a corrosive water-emulsion mixture of ...

Native groups sue over polar bear critical habitat

(AP) -- Alaska Native groups worried about losing tax revenues and royalties from oil development filed a lawsuit Friday challenging the federal government's designation of critical habitat for threatened polar bears on ...

China warns US oil firm after spill: report

China has told US oil giant ConocoPhillips to step up its efforts to seal leaks and clean up a spill off its north coast after finding oil was still leaking into the sea, state media reported Friday.

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