Oil sands study shows negative impact on lake systems

(Phys.org)—Fifty years of Athabasca oil sands development has left a legacy of contaminants in lake ecosystems and that contamination reaches further from the development areas than previously recognized, according to new ...

Waste cooking oil makes bioplastics cheaper

"Bioplastics" that are naturally synthesized by microbes could be made commercially viable by using waste cooking oil as a starting material. This would reduce environmental contamination and also give high-quality plastics ...

Tiny bubbles clean oil from water

Small amounts of oil leave a fluorescent sheen on polluted water. Oil sheen is hard to remove, even when the water is aerated with ozone or filtered through sand. Now, a University of Utah engineer has developed an inexpensive ...

Novel platform purifies oil-contaminated seawater

The United Nations' most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report paints a bleak picture for the world's water supply: Of the 7.8 billion people on Earth, about 4 billion do not have access to sufficiently ...

Pollution from Athabasca oil sands affects weather processes

Scientists have been looking at pollution affecting the air, land and water around the Athabaska Oil Sands for some time. After looking at contaminants in snow taken from up-to 25 km away from the oil sands, a McGill-led ...

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