Ecuadoran villagers drag Chevron to Canadian court

A 19-year court battle that resulted in a staggering US$18.3-billion judgment from an Ecuadoran court against Chevron last year moved to Canada on Thursday as the plaintiffs seek to collect.

BP near settlement with US over Gulf spill

British oil company BP said Thursday it is in advanced talks with U.S. agencies about settling criminal and other claims from the Gulf of Mexico well blowout two years ago.

Bail hearings to begin in alleged Russian spy case

(AP)—The man U.S. authorities claim led a plot to funnel cutting-edge military technology to Russia kept a low profile in his suburban Houston neighborhood and was unknown to leaders in the city's Russian community.

Book examines state-owned oil firms, prices and pollution

To maintain power, oil-rich governments often lean on their national oil companies in ways that hurt the environment, damage their companies' efficiency and raise prices for the rest of the world, according to Stanford University ...

China's CNOOC cleaning up after another oil spill

Chinese oil giant CNOOC said Sunday it has suspended production at a platform off northeastern China after a ruptured pipe leaked crude into Bohai Bay, in the lastest spill to hit the company.

More oil spills to come, says WUSTL anthropologist

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is not simply a random accident. There will be more of these spills to come, as the days of easy oil are over, says an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis. ...

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