Prime Indonesian jungle to be cleared for palm oil

(AP) -- The man known as Indonesia's "green governor" chases the roar of illegal chainsaws through plush jungles in his own Jeep. He goes door-to-door to tell families it's in their interest to keep trees standing.

Chevron suspends Brazil offshore drilling

US oil giant Chevron Corporation said on Thursday that it had suspended its current and future drilling operations off Rio de Janeiro state, following a crude oil slick in the area.

China's CNOOC cleaning up after another oil spill

Chinese oil giant CNOOC said Sunday it has suspended production at a platform off northeastern China after a ruptured pipe leaked crude into Bohai Bay, in the lastest spill to hit the company.

Bad eggs and oil slicks: Making corporate crime pay

If courts were able to award appropriate punitive damages that punish wrongdoers at a level tied to a company's financial worth, then businesses big and small would be at risk of being put out of business by punitive damages ...

Shell divers shut off North Sea oil leak

Divers working for oil giant Shell have turned off the valve which has been leaking oil into the North Sea causing the worst spill in the area for a decade, the company said Friday.

North Sea oil leak 'reduced to two barrels a day'

Energy giant Royal Dutch Shell said on Tuesday that about two barrels of oil a day are still spilling into the North Sea from its Gannet Alpha platform as it struggled to stem a second leak.

China oil spill to have long-term impact: report

An oil spill off China's eastern coast kept hidden from the public for weeks has caused long-term environmental damage that will hurt the area's fishing industry, state media reported Tuesday.

Salesman: Hackers use Chinese company's servers

(AP) -- A Chinese man cited by a U.S. security firm as being linked to cyberspying on Western oil companies said Friday his company rents server space to hundreds of hackers.

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