Related topics: oil spills ยท oil

A different outlook would make the oil industry safer

The oil industry should pay more attention to human and organizational aspects in order to fundamentally improve safety. The industry does not learn enough from oil spills because learning is a conflict of interests: "Parties ...

Saving the underwater wonder world of Belize's reef

Just a stone's throw off the coast of Belize, brightly colored tropical fish mingle with sharks, manta rays and sea turtles around a sprawling reef beneath the bright turquoise waters of the Caribbean.

Florida offshore oil drilling may be back on table

Florida is still under consideration for offshore oil drilling, a top Interior Department official said Friday, contradicting an announcement last week from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that energy exploration off the coast ...

California is well-equipped to block new drilling

There are two things working against the Trump administration's proposal to open up California coastal waters to new oil and gas drilling: state regulators and simple economics.

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