How lighting affects office workers

Although we usually do not realize this, lighting is an essential part of our daily lives. After all, without light, no sight. Next to enabling us to see safely and comfortably move from place A to B, lighting also has a ...

One billion face heat stress risk from 2°C rise

The numbers of people in regions across the world affected by extreme heat stress—a potentially fatal combination of heat and humidity—could increase nearly 15-fold if the world's temperature rise reaches 2 degrees Celsius.

US judge rules against Blue Origin in lunar lander suit

A US federal judge on Thursday ruled against Blue Origin brought by Jeff Bezos' company in a bid to overturn a NASA contract awarded to rival SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, to build the next craft for Moon landings.

Reinventing steelmaking for a green revolution

In a gleaming new building in the northern Swedish town of Lulea, steelmaker SSAB is using a new manufacturing method that could revolutionise the highly-polluting industry by eliminating nearly all its CO2 emissions.

New research calls for hybrid working to be more sustainable

The increase in the amount of hybrid working post-pandemic—where office-based employees work remotely for part of the week—needs to be more sustainable, according to a new study from experts based at The University of ...

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