A caffeine buzz helps bees learn to find specific flowers

There's nothing like a shot of espresso when you need to get some studying doneā€”and now, it seems like bees learn better with a jolt of their favorite caffeine-laced nectar, too. In a paper published July 28 in the journal ...

Small particles show big promise in beating unpleasant odors

Scientists are reporting development of a new approach for dealing with offensive household and other odors -- one that doesn't simply mask odors like today's room fresheners, but eliminates them at the source. Their research ...

Two studies identify new strategies for insect control

Mosquitoes spread several diseases, among them malaria and dengue virus. In 2020, about 241 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide, with a few more million cases occurring in 2021. Nearly half the world's population ...

Female fruit flies enter the ring of sexual competition

When it comes to sexual competition, males have the star role. Clashing bodies, locking horns, biting and kicking are all considered fair play. Since these behaviors are so salient and robust, most studies focus on male behavior, ...

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