How insects track odors by navigating microscale winds

How do flying insects like important pollinators locate odor sources in the great outdoors, despite encountering highly variable wind conditions? They use odor plumes—which travel like smoke and form when the wind blows ...

New technology for dramatic reduction of daily odors

Odorous gases, which are unpleasant and strongly irritating to the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract, are ubiquitous in facilities such as septic tanks, sewage systems, livestock farms, and waste disposal plants. These gases ...

Smell is the crucial sense that holds ant society together

Ants can be found in nearly every location on Earth, with rough estimates suggesting there are over 10 quadrillion individuals—that is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes, or about 1 million ants per person. Ants are among the most ...

Geckos know their own odor

Geckos can use their tongue to differentiate their own odor from that of other members of their species, as researchers from the University of Bern have shown in a new experimental study. The findings show that geckos are ...

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