Related topics: waves

Fathoming the hidden heatwaves that threaten coral reefs

From April to May 2019, the coral reefs near the French Polynesian island of Moorea in the central South Pacific Ocean suffered severe and prolonged thermal bleaching. The catastrophe occurred despite the absence of El Niño ...

Mapping the 'landscape of fear' of sea turtles in the Bahamas

Many sea turtles live their adult lives in predator-free environments due to overfishing of their main predator, the tiger shark. Because of this, it is largely unknown how sharks impact turtle grazing behavior. Wageningen ...

Signals from the ionosphere could improve tsunami forecasts

New research from the University of Washington shows that signals from the upper atmosphere could improve tsunami forecasting, and someday, help track ash plumes and other impacts after a volcanic eruption.

Wave sensors deployed to improve hurricane forecasts

Researchers dropped technology developed at the University of Washington off the coast of Florida on Monday to measure ocean waves in the path of Hurricane Ian. The test is one part of a broad effort to improve forecasts ...

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